Emmanuel College Front Court


Executive Committee

Photo of Astrid Westlake
Astrid Westlake
Hey! I’m Astrid (she/her) and, as well as being a second year anthropology student, I will be your president this year. My role overall is to represent the student body when liaising with college in a range of meetings, as well as advise our lovely ECSU officers and facilitate the important work which they are doing to make your time in Emma as great as we know it can be! My goals this year are to improve communication between ECSU and students, to centre welfare in college life and to allow students of all identities to thrive by creating an intersectional environment. I am always around for a chat and I am super interested in hearing how YOU think ECSU can better serve your needs! Please do not hesitate to stop me for a chat around college, or drop me an email - president@ecsu.org.uk
Photo of George Allwood
George Allwood
Vice-President for Welfare, Liberation & Charities
I’m George (he/him) and I’m a second year HSPS student specializing in politics and sociology. The position of vice president for welfare, liberation and charities is a new one for this year and so a lot of my focus for the year will be getting the role established and known. A lot of my role is coordinating welfare and liberation officers and this is something I’m really passionate about that prompted me to apply for the role. I also apply for and manage the welfare budget which is spent on events throughout term, as well as managing charitable donations from ECSU, which are made throughout the year. The most important part of my role though is listening to people and acting upon it so if there’s a problem come find me, message me, or email me at vicepresident-welfare@ecsu.org.uk.
Photo of Saffie-Mae Graham
Saffie-Mae Graham
Vice-President for Operations & Freshers' Week
Hiya! My name is Saffi-Mae (she/her), I’m a second year Archaeology student and your Vice-President of Operations and Freshers' Week this year! My role entails a range of responsibilities behind the scenes, but in summary my job is to liaise with college and my fellow ECSU officers to coordinate events, such as Ents, Freshers' Week and Sports Day, to represent the student body in all matters regarding the amenities college provides, like rent and hall prices, and in general help keep things running efficiently and students happy! If you have any ideas, problems or queries about anything at all, no matter how small, please feel free to get in touch and I am more than happy to help in any way I can <3 - vicepresident-operations@ecsu.org.uk
Photo of Lorna Beal
Lorna Beal
Photo of Donny Feng
Donny Feng
Hi, I’m Donny (he/him), a first year Economics student and your Treasurer this year. My role is to help support society funding and funding of officers within ECSU. This is to ensure that funds are spent to enhance our college experience in the best way possible. If you have any difficulties or questions about how to find funding for something you are interested in, please do not hesitate to reach me at treasurer@ecsu.org.uk!
Matthew Burnell
Buildings & Services

Hi! I'm Matthew (he/they), a first year BioNatSci and this year's Buildings and Services officer! My main role is to support students on issues including hall food, rooms, laundry and other household problems. I'll also be working with the operations team to represent the student body to the college's committees on catering and rent. This year, I want to improve communication with students- especially our incoming freshers- to make sure everyone feels able to access all of Emma's incredible services, as well as continuing to push for better dietary provisions in Hall.

Please do get in touch with any issues or questions, it's my job to make our buildings and services work better for you! (buildingsandservices@ecsu.org.uk)

Photo of Katie Copp & Olga Devine
Katie Copp & Olga Devine
Welfare (Female & NB)

Hi, we’re Katie (2nd year, History, she/her) and Olga (2nd year, History, she/her), and we’re your ECSU WNB Welfare Officers for 2025! Our role is to help students cope with the stresses of Cambridge life, and to signpost those in need to the resources and people which are best placed to help. We are always happy to have a chat with other students, in person or over email (welfare-female-nb@ecsu.org.uk), so please do reach out to us!

Over the course of the year we are planning to hold a number of exciting events which are free and open to all in college. These events will include society collaborations, weekly welfare drop-ins (with tea and cake), film nights, trips to Jack’s for ice cream, and hopefully an outing to Ely in Easter Term. Keep an eye on the ECSU instagram or our biweekly welfare emails to see which events are coming up soon!

Photo of Tom Speke
Tom Speke
Welfare (Male & NB)
Hey, I’m Tom (he/him), a second year Chemical Engineering (and Biotech…) student and your Male and Non-Binary Welfare Officer this year. My role, along with the Female and Non-Binary Welfare Officers, is to signpost you to all the available welfare resources college and the wider uni have available to help you. We also run our own weekly welfare drop-ins, termly pidge sweets and other welfare events. Furthermore, my role involves liaising with tutors and the university counselling service to ensure all welfare resources are easily accessible and tailored to your needs. So please, if you have any questions, feedback or concerns: Come to a drop-in session, grab me for a chat around college or get in touch via the email at welfare-male-nb@ecsu.org.uk.

Liberation Roles

Photo of Summer Sameer
Summer Sameer
Racial Equalities
Nora Rechel & Johana Trejtnar
Womens' & NB
Hi! We’re Nora (she/her), a first-year History student, and Johana (she/her), a first-year HSPS student. We are here to represent all Emma women and non-binary students and help create a safe space for them. We will work closely with FemSoc to organise several events each term for all Emma students including careers events, arts and crafts, college swaps, and brunches. We will also organise Pink Week at Emma and take our College to Reclaim the Night to march as a group. Together with the Female and Non-Binary Welfare Officers, it is our job to support female and non-binary students with any animosity or hardship. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to our email womens@ecsu.org.uk.
Photo of Catrin Hughes-Gibbard & Maddie Flewin
Catrin Hughes-Gibbard & Maddie Flewin
Megan Owen & Lottie Dry
Access & Class Act
Rhiannon Barton
Disabilities & Mental Health
Hello! My name is Rhiannon (she/her) and I’m a second year ASNC, or Vikings and really old kings to everyone else, and I’m the Disabilities and Mental Health officer! My role is somewhat more of a background role than other officers on the ECSU committee, I’m here to support every member of ECSU who identifies with the term DMH, and also those who are perhaps entering into it. Whilst there will be some more public events, including a possible DMH formal, as well as more low key social activities like arts and crafts sessions, I’m also here to support you individually, with whatever that might be! Whether it’s just someone who will listen, and who might have experienced similar things, or to point you in the right direction, I’m there to help. My overall aim is to help create a DMH community at Emma, and so if you have any questions, ideas or even just need a chat, you are more than welcome to drop me an email at dmh@ecsu.org.uk.
Photo of Raphael Lin & Yulia Hu
Raphael Lin & Yulia Hu

Other Roles

Photo of Atilla Parlar
Atilla Parlar
Education & Careers

Hey, I’m Atilla (he/him), a first year bio natsci and your education and careers officer for this year! My role is to represent your educational interests and help deliver career events. I will be attending regular meetings with the library committee, the Emma Experience, and the alumni network to ensure that we get the most out of our college. My goal this year is to make sure there are more frequent, clearly advertised careers events that are tailored to our needs.

Please feel free to reach out to me on education@ecsu.org.uk with questions, ideas, or concerns!

Photo of Olivia Wright & Ethan King
Olivia Wright & Ethan King
Green & Ethical
Hey! We are Liv (she/her), a 2nd year Bio NatSci, and Ethan (he/him), a 2nd year MMLer, and we are the Green and Ethical officers for this year’s ECSU committee. A large part of our role is the discussion and promotion of green and ethical policy within college. We also want to get as many students involved with the college gardens and wildlife as possible! We aim to run a termly vegan formal along with other fun arts and crafts and gardening events focussed on the green spaces we have in college. We are also actively looking at the communication about and provision of plant-based food served in hall and at formal dinners. Please reach out to us at green@ecsu.org.uk or message us on our instagram @emmagreenducks to get involved or ask any questions you may have.
Photo of Becca Walker & Zaynab Ansari
Becca Walker & Zaynab Ansari

Hi, we’re Zaynab (she/her) and Becca (she/her) and we are so excited to be your ents officers this year!! Our job is to put on events in college for everyone to enjoy. Think movie nights, pub quizzes, live music and of course, lots of parties. We also work with other officers on the ECSU committee to collaborate on events such as LGBTQ+ ents. If you want to keep up to date on what’s coming next, the best place to find us is on instagram @emma.ents and please feel free to contact us with any suggestions, questions or feedback by email at ents@ecsu.org.uk.

Photo of Luka Pivovarsky & Rohan Agarwal
Luka Pivovarsky & Rohan Agarwal
Computing & Communications
Hi! We are Luka (he/him) and Rohan (he/him), a second year Engineer and a second year PhysNatSci, and this year's computing and communications officers! Our role is to send out college-wide emails, improve the ECSU website, and represent all ECSU members for college IS (information services) matters. Last year, when we had this role, we successfully revamped the ECSU website and the room database, and this year we plan to continue adding functionality to these along with making useful information much more simple to find. We're also going to carry on ensuring that your inbox clutter from emma-updates remains as low as possible! If you have any suggestions on how college IS could be improved, have a question, or have found an issue on the website, feel free to drop us an email at communications@ecsu.org.uk.
Photo of Kalina Stoyanova & Jamie McKnight
Kalina Stoyanova & Jamie McKnight
ROAR Editors
Hi, we’re Jamie (he/him) and Kalina (she/her) and are excited to be your ROAR editors for this year! To those fortunate enough not to know who we are, ROAR is Britain's oldest in-print newspaper - set up in the English Civil War to warn against the dangers of parliamentary democracy (a position still held today). It also has the - very much secondary - function of reporting on anything interesting (and deeply inane) happening in Emma. This includes us writing ROAR at a rate of one issue per brunch. So if you i) have any breaking news for us, ii) want a career in high-brow journalism or iii) just really love sending emails, email us at roar@ecsu.org.uk.